Jerry Andrus was a creative genius, and now 7 of his lecture notes are collected together in this one volume. You'll be treated to 100 pages of Jerry's out-of-the-box thinking, including modern-day classics such as 'Zone Zero' and 'Sudden Surprise.' Treat yourself to some incredible magic and purchase yours today!
Andrus Deals Again: © 1957 Jerry Andrus, Pub. Star Magic Co.
- Hide-Away-Card: selection ends up between two index cards in the deck
- Foldaway Card: playing card folded into an index card vanishes, then reappears from the folds without any creases
Up Close With Andrus: © 1957 Jerry Andrus
- Vanishing Pen: in handkerchief
- Pen Under Cards: pen appears under folded cards
- Reversing Pen: pen vanishes
- Pill Tube Mystery: coins and pill tube routine
- Rope and Handkerchief: cut and restored
- Twinpipes: ball and pill tube mystery
- A Routine for Twin Pipes
- Geiger Counter Routine: loud click reveals card
- They Pick the Aces: cards
- Fan Reverse: cards
- Torn Card
- How It's Done: cards
- Back Palm: for cards
- A Mystery With Rubber Bands: bound around deck
- A Marline Spike and a Handkerchief: penetration
- Threading a Handkerchief
- Unexpected Reverse: card reverses in deck
- Rolling Change: card change
- Card Flip: flourish
- Nameless Flourish: cards
- Fountain of Cards
- Spray Flourish: cards
- Double Waterfall: cards
- Double Cascade: cards
- Squeeze Vanish: coin vanish
- Coin Vanish and Return
- Index Finger Vanish: coin
- Toss-Over Load: coin
- Coin Transfer: coin
- Roll Vanish: coin
- Drop Vanish: coin
- Roll, Up Your Sleeve: coin vanish
- Manipulative Vanish: coin
- A Spooky Deck: slits on its own
Nameless Notes © 1964 Jerry Andrus
- Novel Card Test
- Handkerchief Card Change
- Coins Under Card
- Needle Through Handkerchief
- File Card Revelation
- Dollar Bill Delusion: silver dollar from bill
- Card to Pocket
- Coins and Handkerchief
Nameless Notes II
- Bill and Pen: pen vanishes and reappears
- Permanent Press Card: playing card folded in bill is reproduced undamaged
- Ring, Pen and Handkerchief: penetration
More Sleightly Slanted: © 1974 and 1977 Jerry Andrus; Pub. J.A. Enterprises, Oregon
- Mylar Mystery: sheet of Mylar and ball routine
- Matchbook Magic: coin and matchbook
- A Novel Force: top card peek and force
- Slot Machine: index card and coin
- Minor Miracle: card reverses in deck
- Effects With a Ball: ball and cardboard sheet
- The Perfect Package: cracker box and ball routine
- Paper Bag Moves: ball and paper lunch bag
Special Magic © 1974 Jerry Andrus
- Coins Thru Handkerchief
- Reverse Shuffle Mystery
- Sudden Surprise: cards
- Coin Up Sleeve: vanish
- Waterfalls: card flourish
- Vanishing Pen: in handkerchief
Zone Zero & Temporary Oblivion © 1994 Jerry Andrus
- Zone Zero: ball and board illusion
- Temporary Oblivion: ball and cloth illusion